According to the Comité Français des Industries du Pesage (CoFIP), a prepackaged is “a product […] packaged, outside the presence of the purchaser, in packaging of any kind, covering it totally or partially in such a way that the quantity of product contained cannot be altered without opening or detectable alteration of the packaging, or detectable alteration of the product”.
Pre-packaged products can be of varying weights variable or fixed. They are found in a wide range of industries, including chemical (household products, fertilizers, etc.), cosmetics cosmetics (creams, perfumes, etc.), the food industry (meats, vegetables, dairy products, etc.), pharmaceutical pharmaceutical industry (medicines, etc.), as well as various industries such as construction (bags of cement, lime, etc.).
Pre-packaged products are subject to stringent regulations, which are sometimes difficult to understand. This regulation is based on theGuide des bonnes pratiques concernant les modalités du contrôle métrologique interne à réaliser par les emplisseurs et importateurs de produit préemballés“published by the Direction Générale de la Concurrence, de la Consommation et de la Répression des Fraudes (DGCCRF).
In this article, we’ll look at how to ensure regulatory compliance with the DGCCRF guide for pre-packaged products.